It’s back and better than ever! Eat South Bank’s Foodie Awards is running until the end of February 2024.
Rejoice, foodies! The Foodie Awards are back!
Our good friends at eatSouthBank are once again running their annual Foodie Awards and our Alemré Group venues have been nominated for an amazing 7 awards this year.
eatSouthBank’s 2024 Foodie Awards are a chance for you, our customers to celebrate and recognise your favourite South Bank restaurants, cafes and bars. South Bank is filled to the brim with delectable foodie options, boasting award-winning food and the best views in Brisbane to match.
This year, our venues are up for various awards with 8 in total including: Best Coffee, Best Café, Best Breakfast, Best Restaurant and Best Bar. You can also put in a vote for Best Hospo All-Star and Best Signature dish like VICI’s pizza, Mucho Mexicano’s Tacos or OLE’s paella!
And just for voting, you’ll go into the draw to win the ultimate foodie staycay including two nights at Emporium Hotel with $500 spending money.
So, what are you waiting for? Vote for us and you could WIN!
Vote for one of our Fun Dining South Bank Restaurants for this year’s award.
There’s no better place to watch and enjoy the streets of South Bank than with a coffee at Vici
Start the day off with deliciousness at our Italian Fun Dining venue
Fancy a Paella, or perhaps a delicious Pasta? Let’s Taco about it, and vote for your favourite!
The most delicious Barista made coffee lives here at Vici Italian. Come try our Campos blends.
Lights, Cameras, Cocktails! Vote for your favourite watering hole in South Bank. Margarita’s anyone?
Our Fun Dining superstars have been selected, please give them your vote to WIN!